Saturday 15th February 2025 – 9.30-4.30pm

Come and enjoy a fun and relaxing day of prayerful reflection on the theme of FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT-JOY. Taking place in and around Aquila Retreats at edge of the picturesque village of Comrie, Su, a member of Epiphany Group Scotland, will guide you through your retreat where there will be opportunities to explore the theme of Joy in our lives. Come and experience a peaceful day to be still, pray, journal and relax and experiment with music, art, movement and games as you feel inclined. A soup and sandwich lunch, refreshments and materials are included in the price. Overnight accommodation for those coming from further afield is available in our two B&B rooms and can include all meals. Please get in touch as soon as possible to book a place or for further information.
£35 for the day which included lunch and all materials.